Different types of web hosting

Types Of Web Hosting

To run a website, you’ll need to install the necessary web server software on a server machine. Web hosts generally offer different types of web hosting. We’ll explain the pro’s/contra’s of each. Shared Web Hosting Shared hosting is the cheapest kind of hosting. Shared hosting means that the webhost has setup a (physical) server and let it host a lot of different sites from different customers on that server. (into the hundreds) The cost of the server is thus spread to all customers …

Fast, Scalable And Secure Webhosting For Web Developers book

Welcome to our site Fast, Scalable And Secure Webhosting For Web Developers. This site is the partner site for our book Fast, Scalable And Secure Webhosting For Web Developers. This site and book is intended for entrepreneurs, startup companies and people who have some experience in building websites and the surrounding technologies but have outgrown their current hosting. If you want to create a lightning fast and scalable website using your own server hardware, an unmanaged VPS (Virtual Private Server) …